How Do You Write SES ECQ?

How Do You Write SES ECQ?

As you write your Executive Core Qualifications, you will look at your experience and leadership skills from a fresh perspective. You must have a sense of authority because applicants are supposed to have what it takes to be leaders. Above all, you must have a good style of writing. It all comes down to demonstrating your capabilities on paper.

How to Measure Quality in Project Management – A Quick Guide

How to Measure Quality in Project Management – A Quick Guide

There are many different aspects that we might consider when we want to measure quality in project management. Quality can either be measured by achieving the project goals or benefits, maintaining the level of performance over time, establishing what proportion of resources are devoted to high-quality activities.

Custom Software Development: A Business Owner's Guide to Best Practices

Custom Software Development: A Business Owner’s Guide to Best Practices

Software companies are constantly developing new features for their software products to stay ahead of the competition. There are many steps in this process, from market research and design of specifications to programming and testing phases of development. As a business owner, you need to determine how much of a priority this process is for you and understand best practices when doing custom software development.