Category: IT & Software

Plagiarism In the Workplace: Why and How to Avoid It

Plagiarism In the Workplace: Why and How to Avoid It

Plagiarism is not acceptable anywhere, let alone in the workplace. In order to avoid trouble and make sure that your work is professional, you should be checking for plagiarism before submitting your tasks.

Not only can plagiarism affect your career, but it can also make you look bad in front of your colleagues. No matter what topic or area you could plagiarize in, you must (again) understand that this is not acceptable, and it will get you in trouble.

Just highlighting this again to make sure you got it. Holding yourself to a high standard is a must in the professional world.

How Can You Keep Your Data Safe Online?

How Can You Keep Your Data Safe Online?

Whether you want to log into your Facebook account, order a new pair of boots or download freeware, you need to take care of your data. If you can’t secure it, someone else will try to steal it. So, how can you keep your data safe online?

Tips on Hiring Offshore Developers

Tips on Hiring Offshore Developers

Hiring offshore developers refer to hiring a third-party company to fulfill your technical and software requirements. The terms outsourcing and offshoring are slightly different. Both refer to hiring another company for services, but offshoring refers to hiring a company in a different country.