Tagged: template

project design template steps

Project Design Template: A 9-Step Approach to Designing a Project

Designing a project is a challenging task that arises at the initiation phase when the project manager defines the problem, goals, budget, resources and risks of the project. This Project Design Template helps do this task. The template offers a generic approach to developing projects in nine steps.

Project Feasibility and Option Analysis Template

Project Feasibility and Option Analysis Template

When you have a project for evaluation and proposal, first you must make sure that you have reviewed and analyzed all adequate alternatives or options to the project. By reading this Project Feasibility and Option Analysis Template you will find out how to identify options, evaluate them for feasibility and select the best one for your project design.

project lifecycle template

Project Life-Cycle Template – Key Phases of the Generic Model

The ability of managing projects successfully greatly depends upon the right understanding of the phases and activities that create the project life-cycle. Because any kind of project is “a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product or service” (PMI 2000), it is planned, managed and delivered under a definite life-cycle, or the process of by which the process is implemented. The life-cycle characterizes the constraint of time and defines how soon the project product/service will be produced and delivered. Let’s learn more about the point in this project life-cycle template. We’re going to talk about the definition of project life-cycle and provide an overview of the key phases and activities a conventional project steps through. Please feel free to leave your comments and other feedback.

project report template

Project Report Template

It is impossible to efficiently finalize a project without having developed a comprehensive and informative report. Using project report templates helps project managers to communicate necessary information on project development, implementation and completion to the key stakeholders who have an interest or concern in the project. The following Project Report Template is designed to help project managers with developing a complete structure for their reports. We tried to make the Template comprehensive and included descriptions of the key sections of a typical project report. Also we listed basic suggestions and tips on project reporting.