Tagged: teamwork

Faclitation in managing projects

Project Facilitation – Definition, Role and Skills

I can hardly image effective project management (PM) without good facilitation. As my experience proves, project performance considerably depends on how the team is facilitated to make decisions, solve problems and respond to risks and changes. PM facilitation provides a teamwork improvement mechanism that constitutes attitudes, performance, abilities, cultural patterns and results of the team.

teamwork with agile approach

Ensuring Teamwork with the Agile Approach

It is nearly impossible to do a project without effective teamwork. The term “teamwork” means the process of acting collaboratively with a group of people in order to accomplish a shared objective. Teamwork creates and shapes the collaborative effort the team makes to move the project to success. However, it is complicated enough and brings a set of challenges. In this article I’m going to describe three components of the Agile approach that can help project managers team up their people and ensure effective collaboration.

Project Leadership Skills

Top 3 Project Leadership Skills

Best practices of project management and planning make me believe that having well-developed and up-to-date project leadership skills is one of critical aspects to project success. Excellent leadership allows project managers and team leaders to get in front of the competition and put in extra effort on producing project deliverables within allocated budget. Availability of the skills for project leadership ensures successful implementation of project goals, better team coordination and higher project performance. It’s really hard to overestimate the importance of project leading abilities and skills to success. In this article we will talk about the top 3 skills for project leading.

team planning tips

Basic Tips on Project Team Planning

In this article we’ll give a series of project team planning tips presented in the form of a step-by-step checklist. Our tips will focus you only on the basic considerations regarding recruiting project staff members while the details of the team selection process won’t be highlighted in the article (the details of better team management and project resource management will be the matter of our next articles).

team collaboration tips

Project Team Collaboration Tips – How Teams Work Together

How can project teams collaborate? Are there a few collaboration tips that let managers simplify team building activities and establish team collaboration? In this article we’ll focus on several keys tips on establishing effective team collaboration. We’ll also describe how team collaborators with solutions for document management, meeting management, virtual team management and communications management.