Tagged: tasks

Ensuring project manager's accountability

How to Ensure a Project Manager’s Accountability

Accountability makes projects successful. Accountability ensures that the 80/20 of a project manager’s effort will be put on expectations, milestones and performance which are success drivers. When the manager is accountable for his/her decisions and actions, the project is likely to be delivered according to the expectations of the executive staff… In this article, let’s talk more about how to ensure the project manager’s accountability.

project task management

Project Task Management – Definition and Software

PTM can be successfully implemented as a technique in various organizations. Most possibly, it will be used in IT companies; however, other companies (including trading companies, real estate agencies, recruiting agencies, law firms, etc.) can enjoy PTM as well. Actually, project task management tools can be used in any organization that focuses on task-oriented activities and projects. And the implementation is successfully achieved by using special software solutions, the so-called “project task management software”, or “project task software”.

task management checklist

Task Management Checklist

Perhaps, it is hard to overestimate the value of better task management. When you know how to plan, do, check and report your tasks, you get a higher chance for success because the tasks are managed with a consistent approach you’ve chosen. The following Task Management Checklist is designed to help you determine such an approach. We wanted to give a list of the most important recommendations on better management of tasks. Hope it will be helpful. Your comments and feedback are welcome.

managing it projects

Key Duties of Executive Teams and Managers in IT Projects

This article is dedicated to defining the key duties of executive teams participating in managing IT projects and crafting implementation strategies. We hope the article will help IT project managers, team leaders and executives to better understand how to carry out the key duties for successful IT project management.