Tagged: tasks

prior to project initiation

Project Pre-Charter as a Sub-Phase of the Initiation Phase

The project initiation phase is the first phase within the project lifecycle to approve a project’s idea and make a foundation for planning the project. Usually this phase includes Project Pre-Charter which is a sub phase an organization goes through to decide whether to launch the project, what reasons for project initiation are and what form the project should take. The project pre-charter sub-phase is a step to be taken before the development of project charter. The project initiation phase consists of the pre-charter sub-phase and the charter phase. In this article, I will talk about the first sub-phase and my focus will be on the project pre-charter definition and tasks.

project managers role

A Project Manager’s Role – Key Responsibilities and Duties

Generally speaking, project manager roles and responsibilities embrace the culture of ongoing commitment to delivering exceptional products/services and specific results within the defined scope and top quality. The literature on project management offers us a great variety of books that give a project manager role description, outline how to follow that role, what daily duties a project manager needs to carry out, and so on. However, I tried to look though free PM articles and reviews on the Web and found out that it was hard enough for me to find a clear and complete definition of project manager obligation. I suppose this short yet useful article will help you understand project manager’s roles and responsibilities, and then you will easily put your knowledge in daily practice.

the duties of a risk management team

Top 5 Responsibilities of a Risk Management Team (Part I)

A risk management team (workgroup) is a separate and often independent unit within the project management team headed by the risk manager or the chief risk officer. It helps place a value on the project’s activities (such as procuring, communicating, controlling quality, staffing etc.), works out strategies to mitigate identified risks, applies risk management methodologies and risk analysis tools, and integrates insurance policies of treating prioritized threats with the project management team. The primary responsibility of the workgroup is to ensure that the project is provided with a complete risk management information system that ultimately determines how to control and oversee the project’s effectiveness and fulfillment. The team also approves risk management policies and defines their framework.