Team Conflict in Project Management: Definition, Classification, Resolution Process

Team Conflict in Project Management: Definition, Classification, Resolution Process

Having the right understanding the defintion of team conflict and being able to classify all conflicts between employees into types will allow team leaders and managers to look into the actual reasons of group conflicts and find solutions that help resolve interpersonal problems. Although conflicts are inevitable, decision makers should strive to reduce the likelihood of conflict occurrence. They must mitigate the negative impact of group conflicts and try to increase the positive impact of those conflicts. This article describes the definition of team conflict and also lists types of team conflict.

What is Project Duration and How to Estimate It

Project Duration: Definition, Estimation Techniques and Best Software

In this guide, we will look at the essentials of project management time estimation. First, we will define project duration and how to estimate it. Then, we will take a look at the importance of project time estimation. We will also delve deeper into techniques used to measure and estimate project duration.

pm mentoring

PM Mentoring – The Importance of Project Staff Training

Perhaps you can hardly find organizations that do not try to follow the practice of successful project management mentoring and project staff training, because the modern competitive environment dictates to business organizations to have educated and skilled employees who can do daily tasks and perform projects with less time and money consumed. Through practising project management mentoring and training, any organization can direct and coordinate its human and material resources throughout the project life-cycle to accomplish established goals within the scope, expected quality, time and budget, while meeting expectations of the stakeholders. Excellence in planning and implementing projects will be achieved if the organization owns training personnel that has earned online project management certifications and accomplished project management certificate programs. In this article I would like to describe a definition of project management mentoring and list its benefits so that you would see the importance of project staff mentoring.

Scrum PM method

Scrum – Defining the Agile Methodology and Its Benefits

In simple terms, Scrum is an Agile methodology to project management. In the literature on Agile project management and development, Scrum methodology is often called “Scrum approach” or “Scrum method“. Personally I prefer using the term “Scrum methodology” – meanwhile any of the terms is correct and can be equally used to describe Scrum requirements and the basic concept.

If being more precise, Scrum methodology for project management refers to a team-based collaborative approach to iterative and incremental development of projects (often IT projects) to create a product during small cycles called iterations and to increase functionality of the product during each iteration by adding new properties. The method lets build a project team that includes such roles as Product Owner, Scrum Master and Scrum Team. Each of the roles has different Scrum tasks and operations to perform.

project failure reasons

Top 5 Project Failure Reasons, or Why My Project Fails

Project failure is when you do not get what you expect at the end of your project. It is a terrible situation when you cannot say anything about the received results as these results do not meet requirements of the project customer and sponsor. Let’s try to investigate in this article why most projects fail and what are the top reasons for project failure.