Business Case in Project Management: A Complete Guide

Business Case in Project Management: A Complete Guide

Business Case is one of the primary documents that allow summarizing the need for launching a project and analysing possible alternatives. Throughout the lifecycle of the project this document is used to show the project justification and reasonability. In the Initiation Phase, Business Case is used as a way for making decisions on initiating the project, setting primary goals and defining the cost-benefit ratio.


How to Fail a Project, or What You Shouldn’t Do When Managing Your Project

Most people involved in planning and managing projects often do not realize why they fail with their projects because they have no idea of project management failures and common reasons for project failure. Do you want to know why you failed with your last project? In this quick review I will tell you about the most frequent project management failures and also teach you how to fail with a project. Why do you need to teach you this? The answer is that I believe a person will get more chances to succeed in project management & planning if he or she is aware of what SHOULD NOT be done within their projects. I hope that through teaching you to fail projects and showing you project management failure examples you will better understand how to achieve project management success and not to do all those wrong things that many project managers and planners do.

workplace management checklist: A few steps to achive excellence in your work place

Workplace Management Checklist

Workplace management is the key to making yourself more efficient and increasing your productivity through organizing the things surrounding you in your work space. Increased efficiency in managing workplace means you become more productive when doing daily operations, following schedules, making communications, and collaborating with colleagues and the management. Moreover, workplace management is a great way to save a significant amount of money and time. Obviously every person who wants to achieve excellence in daily planning and management should learn to manage the workplace and use workplace management solutions to keep everything organized.

Project Plan Development – Three Easy Steps

Project Plan Development – Three Easy Steps

Project plan development is one of the most critical activities within the project management lifecycle. It is the main part of the Planning Stage. The project manager takes the ultimate responsibility for creating a plan, which is a formal document showing the basis upon which to assess performance of the project and measure its results. Let’s review the major steps to develop a project plan in detail.

project planning checklist

Project Planning Checklist

n this Project Planning Checklist, a series of simple yet important project planning steps are shown to help you pave the way to successful project management experience. The checklist depicts how the project planning process can be organized considering such aspects as the initiative, paperwork, implementation, tracking, and finalizing.