Author: Jack Grabovski

How Organizations Can Succeed in Business Project Management

How Organizations Can Succeed in Business Project Management

Business project management is essential to the success of many organizations. Whether it be a small-town family restaurant trying to get its name out or a global enterprise working on hundreds of projects at once, project management practices are the key to making sure all business objectives are met in time and within budget. This article will give you an overview of four ways organizations can succeed in business project management.

Remote Project Management – Mitigate Cyber Risks for Project Managers

Remote Project Management – Mitigate Cyber Risks for Project Managers

When workers are scattered across different locations, it’s easy to let the guard down and expose the project to cyber threats. And since projects involve handling and processing sensitive data, it’s the job of a remote project manager to ensure data security and project integrity. Here’s an overview of remote project management and how remote project managers can navigate the cyber threat landscape and mitigate potential risk impacts.

Importance of Tracking Employee Training

Importance of Tracking Employee Training

Every organisation has the required skills, rules, regulations, knowledge of organisational workings, etc., that they want each new staff to know and imbibe. They pass this knowledge on through training. The need for training also goes beyond the process of onboarding new staff. Exercise is also needed throughout the employee’s stay at the organisation. The training may inform staff about current best practises or new requirements from the regulatory agencies.

Top 9 Traits of an Excellent Project Team Member

Top 9 Traits of an Excellent Team Player

In other words, if everyone’s a great team player, then there’s nothing this group of people can’t achieve. If not, even the simplest project can and will go sideways. But what does it mean to be an excellent collaborator? Let’s take a closer look at the nine traits that define one – and why becoming one should matter to you.