Author: Jack Grabovski

6 Common Workplace Concerns and Solutions

6 Common Workplace Concerns and Solutions

Support your decisions with respective technological solutions. Actively communicate with your employees. Ask them directly about their aspirations and problems. The creation of a clear career plan will help your workers remain motivated. The necessary tools to achieve this plan’s goals are vital for a productive working environment too. In combination, all these factors will help resolve most of the common concerns.

Work Packages in Project Management

A Guide to Work Packages: Definition, Examples, and Best Practices

Work package are the ‘smallest indivisible unit of work’ on a project plan. Just like a building must be constructed one brick at a time, every piece of work on your project must be done in steps. It is helpful to break down the major tasks into smaller units of work that can be distributed among individuals and teams.

Top 5 Free Courses to Learn Linux and Ubuntu in 2022

Top 5 Free Courses to Learn Linux and Ubuntu in 2022

Most computers come pre-installed with an operating system like Ubuntu, which is commonly used to run programs. The operating system serves as a link between the computer’s hardware and software, ensuring the best possible performance. Ubuntu, in particular, is a commercial operating system with limited access to its source code. Linux, on the other hand, is completely open-source. Continue reading if you are interested in gaining knowledge without spending any money. I will discuss the top five free programs for learning Linux and Ubuntu. Let’s start with an overview of Linux and Ubuntu.