Tagged: implement

Project Knowledge Management – The Importance of Managing Project Knowledge

Project Knowledge Management – The Importance of Managing Project Knowledge

If you ask me about ways to make your project team more competent, I will answer that a truly efficient way to let your people better understand your project is through managing project knowledge. The importance behind project knowledge management is that you can apply knowledge transfer methodologies throughout the project management lifecycle to use the information collected from previous projects and make current project be managed more efficient, and benefit from better project performance.

total project management (TPM)

Total Project Management Solutions for Project-Thinking Organizations

Total project management solutions (TPM solutions) will help a project-thinking organization to stabilize the business processes and begin leading employees towards achieving refined efficiency and accountability. In this article, I will briefly talk about what TPM concept means and will also outline a 5-step model for implementing total PM solutions. I guess my considerations will be helpful for management staff and executives in project-thinking organizations.

ERP implementation planning

Tips to Successful ERP Implementation Planning

During the recession, many attempts to plan and follow an ERP implementation strategy have been put on hold. Today we’re getting out of the recession, and developing a successful ERP implementation planning strategy becomes one of the prioritized management activities in many business companies.


Business Management System (BMS) – Definition and Functional Groups

Within the business management discipline, the term “Business Management System” is used to describe the high-level tools for strategic business planning and implementation. The Business Management System term gives a description of the foundation for initiating business activities, making critical decisions, introducing business solutions, and employing business tactics. In this article, the definition of Business Management System and the functional groups within its structure are outlined.

Looking for acternatives to the project

Project Alternatives

Regardless of the chosen approach and management strategies for implementing a project, there are always some alternative ways to implement the project using the same resource base and meeting the same business need. Such ways are called “project alternatives“. In the Initiation Phase, the identification and management of project alternatives will provide options for completing the project, while addressing the original business problem and delivering the expected business benefits.