Tagged: checklist

meeting management agenda

Ten Meeting Management Tips for Markedly Improved Productivity

Many times what should be productive planning meetings turn into unproductive arguments or complete timewasters. Sometimes, as the person leading the meeting, you can spend more time diffusing bickering or trying to get people to stay focused on the topic than you do cultivating productivity. A more conductive environment can be encouraged if a few management tips are kept in mind before, during, and after the meetings.

The basic checklist for project-managers

The Basic Checklist for Project Managers

This checklist describes 8 basic steps for project managers to help them succeed in planning and fulfilling their objectives. Such things as forecasting, analysis, software, communication, payment, performance, change management, and lessons learned are considered top priority for managing projects successfully, from their initiation and planning to execution and closure. Although the checklist shares common ideas and suggestions, without paying attention to details, it is helpful for professionals and beginners. You can use it as a starting point for building your success in project management.