managing virtual teams

Virtual Team Management – Top 5 Tips

Today nobody can escape from the reality of virtual team management in projects. Remote or virtual project teams are those groups of people who while being located at different places work with each other remotely through using virtual team software. Virtual team management and collaboration tends to be the “number one” aspect of most operational environments. Let’s discuss how to best management remote teams.

hr mamagement challenges

How to Handle Challenges of Project HR Management

Employees or human resources within projects are the most valued asset of any organization. Effective project human resource management (project HR management) makes it easier for that organization to gain more benefits and profits from using human resources. Project human resource management requires an integrated approach for handling employee management challenges by minimizing redundancy, reducing time waste and avoiding inefficient team communications. Managers should create the working environment in which employees are able to maximize their performance and show their best talents and skills. To handle challenges of project human resource planning and management, there are several ways or techniques, such as 1) Focusing employees, 2) Setting clear direction and 3) Establishing effective communications. Let’s view these techniques for managing project human resources in detail.

managing project resources

Project Resource Management Software – The Meaning and Benefits

Managing project resources is one of the critical management activities aimed at finding the balanced allocation and levelling of available project resources and optimizing resource utilization and consumption. The project resource management process focuses on planning, scheduling and allocating resources required for initiating and executing a project and its phases. Usually this process is successfully implemented with help of project resource management software which allows using spreadsheets, estimates, templates, to-do lists and reports to plan and utilize project resources.
What is Project Resource Management Software?

It is a computer program to simplify planning and using of resources by providing tools for achieving the balance between project resource requirements, schedules, availability, and optimization opportunities. Project resource management tools allow managing what, where and when a resource should be available and utilized to achieve the optimum project outcome.

prior to project initiation

Project Pre-Charter as a Sub-Phase of the Initiation Phase

The project initiation phase is the first phase within the project lifecycle to approve a project’s idea and make a foundation for planning the project. Usually this phase includes Project Pre-Charter which is a sub phase an organization goes through to decide whether to launch the project, what reasons for project initiation are and what form the project should take. The project pre-charter sub-phase is a step to be taken before the development of project charter. The project initiation phase consists of the pre-charter sub-phase and the charter phase. In this article, I will talk about the first sub-phase and my focus will be on the project pre-charter definition and tasks.

Stating Project Quality Policy

Stating Project Quality Policy

Strategic planning of project quality requires the development of a policy that could state high-level goals and general direction the project quality management process. A project quality policy is an effect tool of quality management to identify the right way for an organization to implement a project following expected quality levels and performance. In this article we try to answer the question “What is project quality policy?” and determine approaches for implementing this policy.