Author: Mary Levinson

How to Write a Feasibility Study Report (FSR) Template

How to Write a Feasibility Study Report (FSR)

Conducting a feasibility study is one of the key activities within the project initiation phase. It aims to analyze and justify the project in terms of technical feasibility, business viability and cost-effectiveness. The study results serves as a way to prove the project’s reasonability and need for launch. Once the study is done, a feasibility study report (FSR) should be developed to summarize the activity and state if the particular project is realistic and practical. Let’s find out what FRS means, why it’s important and how to write it.

tips on managing project delivery

5 Tips on Managing Project Delivery Successfully

The goal of managing the success of project delivery is to accomplish projects on time, under budget and as per customer expectations and user requirements. Your great effort for delivering your project should be focused on solving key issues such as risks, unexpected changes, poor communications, late completion, etc. In this short publication we’re going to give you several basic tips on how to deliver projects successfully.

Business Management Strategy: How to Plan and Run a Business Successfully

Business Management Strategy: How to Plan and Run a Business Successfully

Business strategic planning refers to the art of planning and managing business activities at the highest possible level in a profit organization. Within the business management discipline, it takes one of the central roles to develop a business management strategy and implement the business management process. Business strategic planning focuses on establishing a solid underlying framework for business management activities through organizing, directing and controlling the business implementation. As a rule, it’s the matter of a company’s top management to build a successful strategy for business management and control the implementation.


Business Management System (BMS) – Definition and Functional Groups

Within the business management discipline, the term “Business Management System” is used to describe the high-level tools for strategic business planning and implementation. The Business Management System term gives a description of the foundation for initiating business activities, making critical decisions, introducing business solutions, and employing business tactics. In this article, the definition of Business Management System and the functional groups within its structure are outlined.

Integration Management

Project Integration Management Template

The process of managing a project wouldn’t be complete and comprehensive if the activities of integration management weren’t implemented. This Project Integration Management Template includes four major categories to give an overview of integrated project management and describe the six key processes of integration management. The template is a simple guide that is helpful for managers and planners who need preliminary information about the integration management processes.