Author: Eric Morkovich

project sponsorship

Project Sponsorship: Definition, Relationships, Pitfalls

I’ve decided to write an overview of project sponsorship to help you and other managers to explore the definition and role of the project sponsor and identity the key duties and responsibilities. This article is first and describes the definition, relationships and pitfalls of project sponsoring. I plan to write a series of articles about project sponsorship. Please keep track of the website updates to read all the articles about this topic.

business decision making checklist

Business Decision Making Checklist

Business decision making is a strategically important process that requires business planners to consider a number of factors influencing the final decision. A convenient tool for making efficient judgements and considering available solutions is the business decision making checklist. In this article we will describe the key steps for making better business decisions. It will be helpful for business owners, analysts, managers and planners who need to take action and develop effective solutions.

Project Background Definition and Writing Tips

Project Background Definition and Writing Tips

Background is one of the key characteristics of a project to explain why initiate the project, what prerequisites are, and what results are supposed to be obtained at the successful completion. The following article is a part of the Implementation Guide to help everyone involved in planning and implementing projects to learn about project background. I suppose this article as well as the whole Guide will be helpful for you. Your valued comments and suggestions are appreciated.


Total Quality Management (TQM) for Projects

The following checklist gives a common understanding of the TQM methodology, its approach and implementation steps. You can use it as additional guidelines for planning your project based on the methodology. We recommend using other TQM resources to learn the implementation process in detail.

lessons of effective crisis management

9 Lessons of Effective Crisis Management for Project Managers

Last time when I analyzed one of my previous projects I tried to follow several lessons of effective crisis management that were given to me by my good friend. There were nine simple lessons or steps that helped me avoid making mistakes in my management practice. Then I thought those lessons would help you as well, so I decided to write this article and describe 9 lessons of effective crisis management for project managers.