Tagged: teamwork

managing virtual teams

Virtual Team Management – Top 5 Tips

Today nobody can escape from the reality of virtual team management in projects. Remote or virtual project teams are those groups of people who while being located at different places work with each other remotely through using virtual team software. Virtual team management and collaboration tends to be the “number one” aspect of most operational environments. Let’s discuss how to best management remote teams.

team building tips

Several Tips on Building Effective Teams

To put the goals in line with the team competencies and find the balance, you should plan your activities for group building in advance and assemble team members which have required skills and abilities to meet your project goals. The success of your team building leadership will depend on the success of your team to perform project tasks and deliver the project. Group management, team building and personal motivation should be considered as the basis for developing and supporting an effective team and establishing teamwork.

rules of teamwork

Four rules of effective teamwork

If during the implementation of your project the team gets stuck with lots of unproductive conflicts and unsolved problems, you can try to follow a general list of team management recommendations. If you haven’t yet found a solution, you can get your team together at a meeting to clarify and agree on the basic rules of teamwork that will govern the team’s behavior. By establishing such rules, you gain more chances to achieve greater team effectiveness and strengthen group collaboration. Read top 4 teamwork tips that you must take into account for building and managing your team.

procurement teams

The Steps for Managing a Procurement Team (Part 2nd)

Learn to manage a procurement team in three more steps, including Motivation, Stress Management and Time Management In the previous Part of this article, two steps of the procurement management process have been listed and described. Now we talk about the rest three steps in this publication.

Several Tips on Building and Organizing a Team

Several Tips on Building and Organizing a Team

Team building is neither just a single event nor an activity that can be undertaken by someone outside the team. Team building and organization is a complex of tasks and actions which a team leader needs to step through in order to do team building exercises, select team members, define team objectives and commitment, establish teamwork, overcome issue and undertake team building problem solving activities. It is the primary responsibility of a manager who takes care of leading the group.