Tagged: steps

How to Audit Your Digital Marketing Strategy

How to Audit Your Digital Marketing Strategy

People spend 6 hours 42 minutes online each day. This is according to the digital 2019 report from Wearesocial and Hootsuite. The same report states that there are more than 1 million new internet users daily and that 45% of people in the world are on social media. Not only do these kinds of statistics give perspective to the reason why digital marketing is trending, but they also show that since most people spend their time online, businesses should venture into the digital world in order to increase their reach and make more money.

5 Steps To Flawless Teamwork

Group collaboration and project execution are often done behind the scenes with only the final result presented to the client. However, it is the effective team that is at the forefront of project success, especially of the digital one that is often being carried out by virtual teams that may never come to a physical encounter with each other. We suggest taking these five simple, yet very effective steps to improve the project team collaboration on a day to day basis.

Creating a Unique Project Management Culture in 5 Steps

The art of project management grants companies the flexibility in decision making and job organization. There are many different approaches and methodologies that help organize personnel and teams in projects, so today businesses can set up and change their project management culture much easier than earlier.

How to overcome project failure

How to Overcome Project Failure and Succeed in Project Management

An attempt to overcome previously failed projects and succeed in future initiatives can be challenging. If your project has been launched before but failed for some reasons, most likely your team and other stakeholders have a negative mindset towards the failure reasons can be addressed and a new project will be successful. The customer or/and the sponsor of the failed project may even convince themselves that they no longer need the outcome that was expected for delivery and so they’re not going to give a new try. Meanwhile, a thorough analysis of failed project management (PM) can greatly help understand what was done wrong, develop feasible solutions, and remove any barrier for future success. Below I give a 6-step approach I personally use in my organization to overcome project failure and succeed in PM.

project corrective action plan

How to Analyze and Correct Problems in Projects

In order to ensure success, project managers have to juggle requirements and resources throughout the entire project implementation life-cycle to ensure compliance of the required deliverables with the baseline parameters (scope, cost, time, quality). A corrective action process appears to be the major tool that helps comply with the project baseline. In this article, I’m going to describe key steps of the process to help project managers analyze and correct problems.