Tagged: role

PM governance roles

Project Governance Roles and Responsibilities

Project governance roles are tools of the governance mechanism to ensure compliance with the implementation standards. The mechanism cannot be effective if there is no the relationships groups involved in the project. Roles of the project governance framework can be presented as a chart. Below in the picture, there are listed three project governance roles:

* Executive Sponsor(s)
* Steering Committee
* Project Manager/Director

project managers role

A Project Manager’s Role – Key Responsibilities and Duties

Generally speaking, project manager roles and responsibilities embrace the culture of ongoing commitment to delivering exceptional products/services and specific results within the defined scope and top quality. The literature on project management offers us a great variety of books that give a project manager role description, outline how to follow that role, what daily duties a project manager needs to carry out, and so on. However, I tried to look though free PM articles and reviews on the Web and found out that it was hard enough for me to find a clear and complete definition of project manager obligation. I suppose this short yet useful article will help you understand project manager’s roles and responsibilities, and then you will easily put your knowledge in daily practice.

The roles in procurement team

Procurement Team – Structure and Roles

A procurement team structure refers to a composition of roles, duties and responsibilities of the team members. It identifies the key positions that provide successful purchasing management process. The structure of a procurement group will generally depend on several key factors around an enterprise that is going to order procurement items for a project.

project sponsor: definition, types, role, respomsibilities

Project Sponsor – The Role and Responsibilities

Successful initiation of a new project is always based on project sponsorship. If the project is well funded by project sponsors, it has the required financial foundation to carry out works, achieve objectives and produce deliverables.
Project sponsor is a person(s) or an organization(s) that is in charge of driving the project towards directions that will bring the project to successful realization of expected benefits. Project sponsor finances project initiatives and works, takes care of engagement processes, facilitates development of the initial scope and the project charter, and participates in processes of project communications management.