plan project deliverables in advance

Project Deliverables Statement

In order to state deliverables for a project, it is necessary to identify and specify the key characteristics for each of the deliverables. These characteristics are Milestones, CPD (Cost Per Deliverable), Budget, Activities Required, and Requirements. In this article we will talk about the project deliverables statement and also what deliverables mean.

quality management planning

How to Create a Quality Plan Template in Four Steps

Regardless of your project’s type, size and scope, it is critical to your success to create a high-performance quality plan template that includes all the tasks and activities required for setting up quality targets, assuring expected performance levels, controlling changes occurring in the project, and implementing the quality management process. Planning for project quality in advance allows you to understand possible problems and investigate root causes of those problems.

project evaluation

Project Evaluation Planning

Evaluation planning is the final high-level process of the Project Setup phase to develop a comprehensive evaluation plan that explains how the project manager should plan for measuring the success of the project effort. Evaluation planning is necessary for making appropriate reviews and analysis of the project implementation process. The project manager in consultation with an advisory board and experts must create a plan for evaluating status and progress of the implementation process. This person will be responsible for information the key stakeholders on the progress through exchanging regular status reports and also the final project report.

PM governance roles

Project Governance Roles and Responsibilities

Project governance roles are tools of the governance mechanism to ensure compliance with the implementation standards. The mechanism cannot be effective if there is no the relationships groups involved in the project. Roles of the project governance framework can be presented as a chart. Below in the picture, there are listed three project governance roles:

* Executive Sponsor(s)
* Steering Committee
* Project Manager/Director

Project Governance

Project Governance as a Linkage Mechanism

As a project gets into the initiation phase, it requires an effective linkage mechanism that ensures alignment between the strategic project objectives and direction, and the path to planned outcomes over the implementation life-cycle of the project. In other words, such a mechanism must help sustain the project’s potential to deliver the stated benefits. Moreover, this mechanism must provide oversight and control over the project during the execution process. It must help managers and leaders to assess the project’s current progress and adjust content and direction to the objectives if necessary. The mechanism should also allow senior management to refine the definition of success and maintain alignment with the evolving project plan.