Avoid Spending Too Much Time at Project Planning

Planning is vital to success. A well-planned project makes 80% of successful product delivery, while the rest 20% are achieved by effective control and execution. However, good planning doesn’t mean that a project manager needs to spend most of his/her time on creating and polishing a project plan. Instead, this executive must proportionate the time spent on the planning stage to the time expected for project implementation to ensure that valuable resources aren’t wasted and real progress is made.

Agile Process: Iterative Product Development Aligned with Client Needs

Agile Process: Iterative Product Development Aligned with Client Needs

While Scrum, XP, DSDM, Lean Software Development and other Agile methodologies have caught on in the software development industry, many organizations see achieving agility in project management as problematic, to a certain extent. For those organizations, the traditional project management approach appears to be most effective in managing long-range business plans and creating enterprise-level forecasts. However, at the team level the traditional approach fails as it doesn’t allow the development team to react to rapidly changing circumstances in the project environment and to align with client requirements. In contrast, Agile-driven projects are enabled to effective and efficiently manage changes through iterative product development.

Project staffing plan

Defining Roles, Responsibilities and Skills in Project Staffing Plan

The purpose of a project staffing plan is to make certain that the project is provided with sufficient human resources that possess the talents, knowledge and experience required for successful work completion. Roles, responsibilities and skills are the key elements that compose the plan and thereby should be considered with great care. The following article provides common definitions of project role, responsibility and skill and briefly describes how to plan project staffing needs by considering these definitions.

The basic checklist for project-managers

The Basic Checklist for Project Managers

This checklist describes 8 basic steps for project managers to help them succeed in planning and fulfilling their objectives. Such things as forecasting, analysis, software, communication, payment, performance, change management, and lessons learned are considered top priority for managing projects successfully, from their initiation and planning to execution and closure. Although the checklist shares common ideas and suggestions, without paying attention to details, it is helpful for professionals and beginners. You can use it as a starting point for building your success in project management.

The Role of Business Analysis in Project Management

The Role of Business Analyst in Project Management

As a rule, the process of researching and analyzing the activities of a project for possible gaps in business requirements and inefficiencies in solution delivery is carried out by a professional (or an expert group) appointed to the role of business analyst. This professional contributes to solving the solution design and implementation issues in project management by providing expert advice, guidance and leadership to the project manager, team and other stakeholders. The business analyst takes ultimate responsibility for identify and solving problems affecting the business solution, and works closely with the project manager to analyze the existing business systems and make recommendations for improvement.