Managing IT Procurements Process

What is IT Procurement Process and How to Manage It?

IT procurement and purchasing activities are essential to any company that uses information systems, computers and equipment to operate projects, processes and procedures. Today it’s hard to find an organization that does not implement various IT systems and solutions in planning and carrying out processes. The management of IT procurement process needs to be carefully learned and analysed in order to create a foundation for providing firms with high-quality and effective systems and software.

agile PM modeling

Agile Modeling for Software Development Process

Agile modeling (AM) is one of the agile project management methodologies based on principles of model-driven development. Using agile modeling techniques and tools allows software developers to consider complex problems...

Approach to problem solving

Use the “Solve My Own Problem” method to create a really saleable product

One of the most effective yet affordable ways to design a product or service is to create something that you personally want to use. Then you will be both a product designer and a consumer simultaneously – you will benefit from applying your skills and knowledge to the product development and testing. You will make effort to create something that delivers the use value to you.

For example, you are a small IT company which has development staff working on some projects. It is your business startup and you do not have much money to invest in software solutions that could allow your developers to work collaboratively, share projects, manage working schedules, make assignments, and so on. Although your staff requires project management software to lead and carry out IT projects, you may not spend money on purchasing such software but find a workaround, which is actually means to develop your own PM software that meets the needs of your developers. By developing the PM software, you solve problems associated with management and organization of projects in your company as well as create a product that can be sold to other people.

project managers role

A Project Manager’s Role – Key Responsibilities and Duties

Generally speaking, project manager roles and responsibilities embrace the culture of ongoing commitment to delivering exceptional products/services and specific results within the defined scope and top quality. The literature on project management offers us a great variety of books that give a project manager role description, outline how to follow that role, what daily duties a project manager needs to carry out, and so on. However, I tried to look though free PM articles and reviews on the Web and found out that it was hard enough for me to find a clear and complete definition of project manager obligation. I suppose this short yet useful article will help you understand project manager’s roles and responsibilities, and then you will easily put your knowledge in daily practice.

agile software dev

Agile PM Methodologies for Software Development

Agile project management (PM) methodologies have appeared to fit the new requirements of IT companies and to deliver new tools in order to efficiently undertake application development processes. This short review of agile PM methodologies gives a description of three agile software development approaches, including Scrum, Extreme Programming and Agile Modelling.