Category: IT & Software

Custom Software Development: A Business Owner's Guide to Best Practices

Custom Software Development: A Business Owner’s Guide to Best Practices

Software companies are constantly developing new features for their software products to stay ahead of the competition. There are many steps in this process, from market research and design of specifications to programming and testing phases of development. As a business owner, you need to determine how much of a priority this process is for you and understand best practices when doing custom software development.

How To Measure The Success of Your API Management Efforts

How To Measure the Success of Your API Management Efforts

Proper API management is also important when businesses are looking for innovative solutions. APIs allow developers to implement their functionality into their applications, adding more features that they need to streamline their operations. In addition, this shortens the time developers take before releasing a software application.

6 Types of Software You Will Need When Starting Your Business

6 Must-Have Types of Business Software for Every Startup

In this guide, you’ll learn about the types and examples of business software that every startup needs to consider. This guide will show you how business management software can help your startup run more efficiently and streamline its operations.

5 Best Video Editing Tools for Various Purposes

5 Best Video Editing Tools for Various Purposes

We will discover an absolute classic, learn about beginner-level solutions for Windows and Mac, explore the perfect solution for content marketers, and find the best free video software. Keep reading to find the perfect solution for your specific case!

How To Choose The Right Time Tracking Software For Your Company

How to Choose the Right Time Tracking Software for Your Company

While the wide array of options can give you more control over your choice of platform, the process of sifting through these products and their corresponding features can be overwhelming. This is especially true if you don’t know where to start. With that said, here are steps to help you choose the right time tracking software for your company.