Category: IT & Software

Six Common Phases of IT Projects Explained

Six Common Phases of IT Projects Explained

For a lot of people, IT project management is a mystery, but it doesn’t have to be. Maybe you know exactly where you want to go with it, or maybe the project is still early enough that you’re in the ideation phase. Either way, in this guide we’ll be explaining the six common phases of IT projects.

Top 5 Free Courses to Learn Linux and Ubuntu in 2022

Top 5 Free Courses to Learn Linux and Ubuntu in 2022

Most computers come pre-installed with an operating system like Ubuntu, which is commonly used to run programs. The operating system serves as a link between the computer’s hardware and software, ensuring the best possible performance. Ubuntu, in particular, is a commercial operating system with limited access to its source code. Linux, on the other hand, is completely open-source. Continue reading if you are interested in gaining knowledge without spending any money. I will discuss the top five free programs for learning Linux and Ubuntu. Let’s start with an overview of Linux and Ubuntu.

A General Guide to IT Outsourcing

A CIO’s Guide to IT Outsourcing: Making the Right Decision

An IT outsourcing agreement generally refers to a commercial relationship between two or more parties, whereby one party, the contractor, provides services to another party, the customer or client. The term ‘outsourcing’ refers to an instance in which a company decides to transfer certain parts of their IT functions and processes from in-house or on-site resources to third-party outsourced providers. In this guide, you will learn about the definition and advantages of IT outsourcing and how to collaborate with technology services providers.

Remote Project Management – Mitigate Cyber Risks for Project Managers

Remote Project Management – Mitigate Cyber Risks for Project Managers

When workers are scattered across different locations, it’s easy to let the guard down and expose the project to cyber threats. And since projects involve handling and processing sensitive data, it’s the job of a remote project manager to ensure data security and project integrity. Here’s an overview of remote project management and how remote project managers can navigate the cyber threat landscape and mitigate potential risk impacts.