Project Terms of Reference (ToR) Template: Writing Tips

Project Terms of Reference (ToR) Template: Writing Tips

Terms of Reference (ToR) provide a statement of the proposed project’s background, purpose, and objectives. A ToR template includes a range of criteria that are necessary for strategic project management decision-making. In addition, this document defines the activities, risks, budget, and expertise related to the project

activity schedule

Project Activity Schedule Template

An activity schedule is an analytical tool for graphically presenting and reviewing the activities of a project. It helps to identify the logical sequence of the activities, estimate their duration, and denote any dependencies that exist between them. The activity schedule also serves as a foundation for allocating management authority and responsibility. Having the activity schedule prepared, the project manager can plan for further specification of resources and estimation of costs… The following Project Activity Schedule Template is designed to help project managers create the schedule. The template describes 6 steps of the schedule development process.

remote team benefits

How to Benefit from Remote Workers

Technology innovations pave the way for better and more simplified relationships between employers and their workers. Due to advances in telecommunications and virtual collaboration today business organizations can employ remote workers and control their performance from almost anywhere in the world. A business owner is able to use remote communication technologies to monitor job efficiency and direct effort of remote workforce, while saving money and company resources. Let’s explore the barriers on the road to using virtual workforce and define the benefits business owners gain from remote workers

How to optimize ERP implementations

Optimizing an ERP Implementation Project in 5 Steps

Why about 60% of ERP implementations are failed or not completed? What are the reasons? In this article we’ll try to answer these questions. We’ll talk about how you can reach success in optimizing your ERP implementation project in 5 steps. The purpose of this publication is to help businesses understand what deadly sins to avoid and what best practices to follow when implementing an ERP system.

6 Tips for investing in ERP project

Planning for an ERP Investment Project in 6 Steps

Leading organizations regard ERP solutions as cost-effective investment projects that will deliver value to their business. But these organizations remain cautious about such projects because of economic recovery and business changes. They need to be sure technology investments will be profitable and value-driven. And careful planning will be a great way to ensure the business value and profitability of any ERP investment project. In this article, let’s talk about planning for ERP investments in a typical company.