Addressing the Skills Gap, or How to Retain Talents

Hiring professionals for new jobs or replacing those workers who have left is challenging for many companies, especially for those specializing in manufacturing and distribution. Today almost 80% of hiring managers and HR professionals cannot find necessary talents to fill critical project roles.

meeting management agenda

Ten Meeting Management Tips for Markedly Improved Productivity

Many times what should be productive planning meetings turn into unproductive arguments or complete timewasters. Sometimes, as the person leading the meeting, you can spend more time diffusing bickering or trying to get people to stay focused on the topic than you do cultivating productivity. A more conductive environment can be encouraged if a few management tips are kept in mind before, during, and after the meetings.

How to Excel as a Project Manager

Investing in your management skills will ultimately pay off rich dividends. If you are already a project manager, then developing your knowledge and abilities will help you enhance your career and put you ahead of the competition. Here are 5 traits which when improved will help you excel as a project manager.

Seismic Shift in Human Resources Functionality

Seismic Shift in Human Resources Functionality

The human resources industry has undergone huge changes over the last few years. In the past a company’s HR department might have been largely concerned with recruitment and disciplinary and compliance issues, but changes in both HR practices and businesses’ expectations have contributed to the transformation of this traditional role.