How Leadership Training Can Help with Project Management

How Leadership Training Can Help with Project Management

A role in project management is potentially a very demanding and difficult job. It requires a variety of skills and personality traits to take on such a position, with each individual person possessing different qualities beneficial to the role. However, there is always room for improvement. Anyone with a role in project management should consider taking part in a leadership training course, such as those offered by Cirrus Connect. There are a variety of different benefits to participating in this type of training.

Customer Service Mistakes Avoided by the Best Companies

Customer Service Mistakes Avoided by the Best Companies

One prime example of world class teams that do not make some of the mistakes we will cover in this piece is Socar Gas Georgia. Under the watchful eyes of the excellent Anar Mammadov, they have continued to grow but have not lost track of the customer service tenets that placed them on such a high pedestal in the first place. You can connect to Anar Mammadov here to see some credentials on LinkedIn.

Addressing the Skills Gap, or How to Retain Talents

Hiring professionals for new jobs or replacing those workers who have left is challenging for many companies, especially for those specializing in manufacturing and distribution. Today almost 80% of hiring managers and HR professionals cannot find necessary talents to fill critical project roles.

meeting management agenda

Ten Meeting Management Tips for Markedly Improved Productivity

Many times what should be productive planning meetings turn into unproductive arguments or complete timewasters. Sometimes, as the person leading the meeting, you can spend more time diffusing bickering or trying to get people to stay focused on the topic than you do cultivating productivity. A more conductive environment can be encouraged if a few management tips are kept in mind before, during, and after the meetings.