MS Power BI Training for data professionals, software engineers and researchers and

9 Reasons Why You Need Microsoft Power B Training

MS Power BI has become popular among data science professionals to visualize and share insights from an organization’s business data. If you are looking at adopting this business intelligence solution in your company, first you need to get some training in Power BI and learn to create and use data models. Here in this article, we give some basic info about MS Power BI and suggest an online course that will help you master data analytics with Power BI modeling & visualizations.

7 survival tips for sensible project management on the edge

7 survival tips for sensible project management

Whatever project you participate in, you have to find sensible ways to align competing stakeholder interests with the constraints of limited resources and meet rapidly changing demands in the business environment. To some extent, project management is an art of surviving or juggling too many balls in the air at a time, rather than just a static step-by-step approach.

How to build an SEO-friendly rebranding strategy

How to build an SEO-friendly website rebranding strategy

During website rebranding, it is highly relevant to consider SEO a must-have piece of the process. SEO strategies play a crucial role in how search engines crawl and also help users understand your content. Although refurbishing your brand doesn’t necessarily mean giving up on what you have done so far, it just means establishing something better on the foundation already built.

5 essential tools for startup project management

5 Essential Tools for Startup Project Management

Five SaaS solutions and cloud services that can help decision-makers carry out efficient project management in startups and small businesses of all kinds. Those tools have basic versions and are available for free. Some advanced features are available in paid versions. However, the basic functionality in any of the described solutions is sufficient to run startup project management at scale.