control project quality

Project Quality Control

Project quality control refers to a set of procedures aimed at monitoring and recording status and results of executing the quality management plan and implementing the quality strategy in order to measure performance levels and generate recommendations for necessary changes. Project quality control procedures are performed throughout the project lifecycle. They allow identifying causes of poor quality and recommending actions to eliminate quality gaps and adhere to the original quality requirements. The project quality control process is undertaken by Quality Control Department, or another similar organizational unit.

project risk analysis

Risk Analysis in Project Management

Perhaps, everything within a project involves a risk of some kind: changes in working environment, an increase of project costs, procurement issues, postponed delivery dates, etc. Risk analysis within the project initiation phase allows assessing all possible risks and making a decision on what actions can be taken to minimize disruptions to the statements of the initiation phase.Project risk analysis is the efficient way to ensure that strategies used to control project risks are cost-effective

communications plan

Project Communications Management Plan

In general, a project communications management plan is a formal document that identifies how communications will occur within a project and how they will be managed. In this Project Communications...

The Concept of Feasibility Study in Project Planning

The Concept of Feasibility Study in Project Planning

Feasibility study is one of the basic concepts of successful project planning. It is used to determine whether a given project is appropriate for further development and delivery. In other words, project feasibility studies enable you to assess whether or not the ideas and findings behind your product or service can be shaped to be relevant, cost-effective and sustainable.

Looking for acternatives to the project

Project Alternatives

Regardless of the chosen approach and management strategies for implementing a project, there are always some alternative ways to implement the project using the same resource base and meeting the same business need. Such ways are called “project alternatives“. In the Initiation Phase, the identification and management of project alternatives will provide options for completing the project, while addressing the original business problem and delivering the expected business benefits.