How Do I Write My Papers On Technology And Always Get A’s?

Writing a decent academic paper on technology is no walk in the park. So it’s perfectly understandable why students with no experience in tech stress over the question of “will I be able to write my papers well” once they get into a course akin to Internet Security or Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies. The good news is, it’s doable. Just follow these tips.
Choose a good topic
Chances are, if you find yourself wondering, “how do I write my papers on technology well enough to get a decent grade,” you’re a first-year student, and technology is definitely not your major in college. If that’s the case, it’s totally okay to be terrified to dive into unfamiliar territory.
If your professor allowed you the luxury to choose the topic to write on, jump at the opportunity. Ask any writer—and they’ll tell you that writing a paper about something that interests you is much, much easier and more enjoyable. And you’re way less likely to procrastinate because the research process will genuinely excite you.
But if the choice of the topic paralyzes you, and you keep thinking, “what should I write my papers about,” don’t worry. Here’s a great list of technology-related topics to consider:
- The benefits and potential threats of artificial intelligence (AI)
- Advancements in cybersecurity
- The prospects of technology in healthcare
- Biotechnology and its (in)ability to solve the global food crisis
- Different types of technology addiction
- Public transportation of the future
- Nanobot drones and their potential in warfare.
Pick your sources wisely
The next thing to consider when writing any paper, including that on technology, is where to find credible sources for accurate and relevant evidence. Don’t just google “smartphone addiction” and hope for the better. Chances are, at least half of the search results will be useless (unless you want your grade to suffer because of the poor choice of sources).
It’s always a good idea to begin with the course textbook. Textbooks normally use simple language and contain all key definitions. In a way, they are a credible version of Wikipedia. Sure, relying only on the textbook is a no-go. But it’s the right place to start.
Next, search for sources on academic databases and, if possible, in the college library. The sources available on databases are mostly published by reputable scholarly journals and peer-reviewed. They are much less likely to mislead the reader than regular search results on Google. And almost all students have access to different online databases via their colleges.
There’s no shortage of academic databases. But when it comes to publications about technologies, your best bet is EBSCO. It’s a platform that offers information services and has the largest list of technology-related databases to choose from.
Make sure you’ve understood and know how to follow the instructions
One of the thoughts that most employed students regretting their approach to writing papers express is, “I wish I had read instructions more thoroughly before I began to write my papers.” That’s true. Most fails and grade reductions happen because students don’t study their professors’ instructions well enough.
Please don’t open the instructions file for the first time on the eve before the submission deadline. It can work for the course you’re a pro at. But if the question of “how do I write my papers on technology” concerns you, you probably aren’t. At least not yet. Don’t risk it all by procrastinating even on reading the assignment instructions.
Try to review the instructions the day you’ve got them. If you do, you’ll have tons of time to contact your professor or TA and ask for clarifications. Also, it’s a good idea to ask a couple of your peers to tell you how they’ve understood the assignment to make sure that your visions are the same.
Write an outline and a rough draft first
One more common mistake that beginner writers make is trying to write a paper in one sitting. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with this when you have to write a short discussion response or a learning journal entry. But if the assignment is to write a 5+ page-long research paper, don’t try to do this with no outline.
Outlining is by no means fun. But it’s the sacrifice a writer has to make to make the writing process much easier later on. Once you have an outline, the risk of getting off-topic or forgetting your key arguments disappears. So always start with an outline. There are plenty of helpful guides online.
Then, write the rough draft of the text. It’s something between an outline and a complete paper. It doesn’t have to be anywhere near perfectly polished. The idea is to have the foundation of the future paper ready (with all the quotes and in-text citations). Polishing it won’t feel like that big of a deal later on.
Ask someone knowledgeable about your topic to look through your draft
The main reason why you need a rough draft is so that you can show it to someone before rewriting and editing it further. Ideally, it should be someone who knows the topic well enough to notice any factual mistakes in your paper. If your instructor accepts drafts for review, use this opportunity.
But even a fellow student is better than nothing. Even if they aren’t an expert in tech, your peer can catch inconsistencies in your arguments and other flaws in reasoning and writing. Their feedback will make the final stage of your writing effortless.
In conclusion
A paper on technology isn’t a death sentence. It requires some focus and quite a lot of work. But after a couple of successful assignments about tech, you’ll turn into a true pro. For now, all you have to do is pick the right topic, research well, start with an outline, and ask an expert for feedback before submitting. And you’re all set.