Category: Career & Lifestyle
In my go-to guide 2019 for project managers I pointed out that artificial intelligence and machine learning should be considered a key trend that will be breaking into project management throughout the next few years. I can’t imagine a project manager who grows his or her career without having sufficient knowledge, skills and experience in AI techs.
The potential of a Learning Management System (LMS) has significantly broadened overtime. While initially LMS played a key role in online education and distance learning, it has now seeped into...
In any economy, businesses are an essential component of the system. They are the primary engines of prosperity. The entrepreneurs and business owners behind the ventures expect to see their...
In this guide, we refer to the basics of project management for businesses and highlight top trends, events, tools and opportunities that will likely help your project manager career happen this 2019 year.
A Project Management CV is a quick representation of your character and professional experience. Chances are it will be the first impression that an employer will build upon. As a result, it is essential that you make your first impression impeccable to secure the job.