Category: IT & Software

5 ways project management can benefit from IoT

5 Ways Project Management can Benefit from IoT

As devices get interconnected with each other, and cloud systems are used to store data in the long run, managing resources and projects has got more comfortable. In the end, project managers have been enabled to deliver much more in the same timeframe with the Internet of Things and other emerging technologies.

MS Power BI Training for data professionals, software engineers and researchers and

9 Reasons Why You Need Microsoft Power B Training

MS Power BI has become popular among data science professionals to visualize and share insights from an organization’s business data. If you are looking at adopting this business intelligence solution in your company, first you need to get some training in Power BI and learn to create and use data models. Here in this article, we give some basic info about MS Power BI and suggest an online course that will help you master data analytics with Power BI modeling & visualizations.

IoT project implementation - benefits and barries for tech startups

IoT Project Implementation: the Benefits and Barriers for Tech Companies

Many organizations are feeling optimistic about IoT project implementation despite some barriers and uncertainties that can break IoT projects. Some prefer to address IoT issues in house. Others refer to trusted tech partners and system integrators that help deal with technology risks and handle IoT projects efficiently.