Author: Daniel Linman

Project Scope Management

Managing Project Scope: Key Reasons and Steps

Project scope is the specification of work by tasks with deadlines to be performed under certain requirements. Managing project scope means ensuring that tasks and deadlines remains effective at any given point in the project lifecycle. The process of managing scope aims to protect a project from undesired deviations from the planned course of action. If this process fails, the project appears to be less effective or even failing because project outcome (product, service) may be rejected by the customer. In this article let’s talk about the essentials of effective project scope management. Here I describe the need for performing the process and explain what basic steps of the process are.

How to Write a Project Description: Key Criteria and Steps

How to Write a Project Description: Key Criteria and Steps

Writing a project description document is a general task of the project manager or his/her deputy who is supposed to identify the idea, goals, background, approach, outcomes and other data in a correct and comprehensive manner. The document should define the project as a worthwhile and economically effective and reasonable endeavor to convince the sponsor of the need to make the necessary investments. In this publication I’m going to talk about Project Description, what criteria to use to write this document efficiently, and what steps to take to develop the document content

project task management

Project Task Management – Definition and Software

PTM can be successfully implemented as a technique in various organizations. Most possibly, it will be used in IT companies; however, other companies (including trading companies, real estate agencies, recruiting agencies, law firms, etc.) can enjoy PTM as well. Actually, project task management tools can be used in any organization that focuses on task-oriented activities and projects. And the implementation is successfully achieved by using special software solutions, the so-called “project task management software”, or “project task software”.

Justifying Projects Through an In-Depth Analysis

Justifying a Project Through Analysis

Justifying the project is a great mechanism to confirm that our project really addresses the need and paves the way for improvement. In this article I will talk about analysis which is regarded as a great and convenient way to justify and confirm projects

PRINCE2 activities

PRINCE2 Activities: Five Models of Managing Targeted Activities

The PRINCE2 methodology generates a range of activities to manage project constraints such as issues, risks, quality, business requirements, and so on. In order to plan and deliver a PRINCE2-driven project, the project manager needs to understand what activities to run and how they supposed to be managed. In this article we present five models of PRINCE2 activities. The models describe Business Case, Quality, Risks, Issues, and Work Done. The information in this article will help you better understand PRINCE2 activities.