Tagged: steps

How to be a better decision maker

Being a Better Business Decision Maker in 8 Steps

Good business decisions never come up right away. Decision making is a thorough and often time-consuming intellectual process, so every decision maker needs to take a number of steps (for example, analyze the problem, determine possible solutions, select evaluation criteria, identify desired outcome, others) in order to find a logical choice among available alternatives… In this article, I talk about how to make good business decisions. Here you will read about 8 major steps that help you be a better decision maker in your business.

buying pm software

6 Steps to Buying Right PM Software for Your Organization

Buying right PM (the acronym for “project management“) software for your organization can be challenging and even frustrating as there are hundreds of options, and you have to take a long journey to explore those options in order to find the perfect solution that best fits the needs of your company’s project management environment. But before you give up and stop your search, take a look at the following below 6 steps that will help you find, evaluate and buy right PM software for your business.

rules to implement PMBOK Guide ideas

3 Rules to Put the Ideas of the PMBOK® Guide into Practice

Recently I heard from my colleagues (who’re project managers just like me) that after passing their PMI PMP certification exams they found it difficult to implement the ideas of the PMBOK® Guide within their projects. The point was, my colleagues didn’t realize that real-life project management (PM) was something different than the content of the PMBOK® Guide. Just memorizing and learning situational ideas and typical case studies of the manual didn’t allow them to practice effective PM… So, in this article I wanted to highlight three main rules that allowed my friends to put the ideas of the PMBOK® Guide into practice. I hope my suggestions will help you do effective PM as well.

organizational chart for project

How to Develop a Project Organization Chart in 6 Basic Steps

When the objectives of a project are identified and an approach to achieving those objectives is developed, it is necessary to select people who will be involved in the project. Developing an organization chart is a project stage that aims to identify and recruit individuals and also specify their roles and responsibilities and determine how they will interact with each other throughout the project life cycle.

project plan steps

Developing a Project Plan in 5 Steps

Planning is a basic management process that involves formulation of a detailed scheme or action scenario to get optimization between the needs and available resources within a project. Developing a project plan is the primary goal of that process. A project plan explains in detail what amount of work to do and how to achieve the objectives, by whom, and when. It is the most prioritized document that provides a roadmap for the project manager to follow. In this article you will find out the 5 steps to developing a winning plan for your project.