Tagged: planning

pm triangle

Project Management Plan and Three Angles of PM Triangle

Project Management Plan is not a one-time and permanent document; it’s developed at planning stage and continuously updated throughout the project as new changes occur. Project Management Plan includes definitions of an owner’s objectives, technical requirements, calendars and schedules, resources, budgets, and management actions. PM Plan also gives a foundation to calculate and prove efficiency. In the context of project documentation, PM Plan serves as the basis and outlines the commissioning plan for the complete execution.

The plan and process of risk management

Defining Risk Management Plan and Process Lifecycle

The gurus of project management point out that a sound risk management plan can decrease the rate of project failure by as much as 60-70 percent. Such a plan in combination with a well-defined risk management process will help the project manager and senior stakeholders to identify and solve most potential problems and also anticipate and respond to changes occurring throughout the project lifecycle. Planning for risk management appears to be critical to project success, allowing the team to prevent loss and avoid jerk reactions.

Using Project Implementation Plan to Produce Deliverables

Using Project Implementation Plan to Produce Deliverables

As an effective project manager, you always strive at organizing scarce project resources, working under tight deadlines, applying reactive decision making, controlling project change, and generating maximum team performance. All the actions are about implementation of your project. Although the business case for your project has been perfectly developed and you have reached an agreement with the project stakeholders, implementing the project may turn into a complicated task that you are hardy to complete.

project sponsor: definition, types, role, respomsibilities

Project Sponsor – The Role and Responsibilities

Successful initiation of a new project is always based on project sponsorship. If the project is well funded by project sponsors, it has the required financial foundation to carry out works, achieve objectives and produce deliverables.
Project sponsor is a person(s) or an organization(s) that is in charge of driving the project towards directions that will bring the project to successful realization of expected benefits. Project sponsor finances project initiatives and works, takes care of engagement processes, facilitates development of the initial scope and the project charter, and participates in processes of project communications management.