Tagged: IoT

How AI Is Transforming Project Management

How AI Is Transforming Project Management

Artificial intelligence (AI) is certainly transforming business operations across the board, but one of its best applications has been in all stages of project management, from planning to execution. It...

New Developments in IoT and Cybersecurity in 2020

Looking Forward to 2022: New Developments in IoT and Cybersecurity

You’re probably already using mobile devices and smartphones. You may have a smart thermostat and instant video feed of your front porch — even when you aren’t home to see who’s at the door. Here’s what else you can expect to see in 2022, and what you can do to keep your personal information safe and secure.

5 ways project management can benefit from IoT

5 Ways Project Management can Benefit from IoT

As devices get interconnected with each other, and cloud systems are used to store data in the long run, managing resources and projects has got more comfortable. In the end, project managers have been enabled to deliver much more in the same timeframe with the Internet of Things and other emerging technologies.

A High-Tech Horizon: How the iGaming Industry is being Revolutionized by AI, IoT and What the Future Holds

A High-tech Horizon: How the Igaming Industry Is Being Revolutionized by Ai, IoT and What the Future Holds

The future looks bright for the iGaming industry. Online casinos are growing more popular than ever before, but how are providers keeping up with the times? Growing pains are inescapable, but innovation is providing some much-needed relief. Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and the Internet of Things (IoT) are proving to be essential in the development of online gaming enterprises, changing the way we play and providing a safer, more streamlined experience.

IoT project implementation - benefits and barries for tech startups

IoT Project Implementation: the Benefits and Barriers for Tech Companies

Many organizations are feeling optimistic about IoT project implementation despite some barriers and uncertainties that can break IoT projects. Some prefer to address IoT issues in house. Others refer to trusted tech partners and system integrators that help deal with technology risks and handle IoT projects efficiently.