Tagged: development

Best Practices of Hiring Talented Software Developers

Best Practices of Hiring Talented Software Developers

We are sharing best practices and tips of hiring dedicated teams and talented software developers for IT projects. This way you can broaden your perspective and implement new techniques to overcome the shortage of tech talent.

New Developments in IoT and Cybersecurity in 2020

Looking Forward to 2022: New Developments in IoT and Cybersecurity

You’re probably already using mobile devices and smartphones. You may have a smart thermostat and instant video feed of your front porch — even when you aren’t home to see who’s at the door. Here’s what else you can expect to see in 2022, and what you can do to keep your personal information safe and secure.

Essential Self-Management Skills for Employees to Be Productive at Workplace

Essential Self-Management Skills for Employees: How to Be Productive at Workplace

Developing self-management skills becomes one of the best management practices and activities of those people who have decided to become more productive employees. While companies tend to spend large amounts of both money and energy to provide their employees with special self-management skills training, each employee can personally organize self-assessment surveys to define whether he or she has the required skills. This effort is extremely important for workers oriented on aggressive career development. Without the personal effort for developing self-organization and self-management skills, it’s hard to imagine a productive employee succeeding in career promotion and professional advancement. This article is designed to help you answer the question “What are self management skills?” and how to be a productive employee.