5 essential tools for startup project management

5 Essential Tools for Startup Project Management

Five SaaS solutions and cloud services that can help decision-makers carry out efficient project management in startups and small businesses of all kinds. Those tools have basic versions and are available for free. Some advanced features are available in paid versions. However, the basic functionality in any of the described solutions is sufficient to run startup project management at scale.

IoT project implementation - benefits and barries for tech startups

IoT Project Implementation: the Benefits and Barriers for Tech Companies

Many organizations are feeling optimistic about IoT project implementation despite some barriers and uncertainties that can break IoT projects. Some prefer to address IoT issues in house. Others refer to trusted tech partners and system integrators that help deal with technology risks and handle IoT projects efficiently.

Learn how to get profitable traffic for your new website.

How to Grow Website Traffic at a Start-Up

When you’re first starting out, you only have limited resources at your disposal. Whether your start-up deals with e-commerce, software or online services, your main priority is to develop the...