10 Challenges and Solutions in Agile Project Management

10 Challenges and Solutions in Agile Project Management

Agile project management has a lot of benefits for any kind of company, by providing more alignment between departments, ease of adaptability of new measures, and quicker project turnovers. By understanding the top 10 challenges in agile project management, it becomes easier to avoid them or solve them and have a smooth transition to a newer way of managing projects.

Best Online Project Management Courses

7 Best Online Project Management Courses

There is a shard of truth in every joke. Being a project manager is a responsible and tough job but everything is not so bad. Today, we are going to dive deeper into the essence of this position and offer you 7 online courses that can introduce you to the profession and enhance your existing skills.

Cyber Essentials Accreditation: The Hows and Whys of Getting Certified

Cyber Essentials Accreditation: The Hows and Whys of Getting Certified

The Cyber Essentials accreditation is a certification program initiated by the UK government back in 2014. Its purpose is to increase the cybersecurity level of businesses in the country by adopting best practices to make sure the information they gather and send online is safe and secure.

Notepad ++ plugins

Top-8 plugins for Notepad++ for indie developers and project teams

the most attractive thing about Notepad++ downloaded from the Rocketfiles.com is the long list of preloaded plugins it comes with, as well as many others that can be downloaded from various sources. This article provides a list of the top plugins for Notepad++ to help indie developers and software teams code their projects.