Tagged: initiation

project readiness template

Project Readiness Checklist

The Project Readiness Checklist is a four-step guide to preparing a project during the initiation phase. It includes steps to reviewing the statement of work, requesting team skills, developing a sample project schedule, and preparing an agenda for the kick-off meeting. The Project Readiness Checklist will be helpful for people involved in managing the initiation phase. Taking the steps of the checklist allows achieving better project readiness management.

prior to project initiation

Project Pre-Charter as a Sub-Phase of the Initiation Phase

The project initiation phase is the first phase within the project lifecycle to approve a project’s idea and make a foundation for planning the project. Usually this phase includes Project Pre-Charter which is a sub phase an organization goes through to decide whether to launch the project, what reasons for project initiation are and what form the project should take. The project pre-charter sub-phase is a step to be taken before the development of project charter. The project initiation phase consists of the pre-charter sub-phase and the charter phase. In this article, I will talk about the first sub-phase and my focus will be on the project pre-charter definition and tasks.

project scope statement

Project Scope Statement

How to write a project scope statement document? This question is the central one during the project initiation phase because a well-written project scope statement example is the guarantee that the project description, boundaries, deliverables and approaches are determined and stated in clear and unambiguous terms. In this article we will talk about the project scope statement definition and what sections are included into the scope statement document.

Business Case in Project Management: A Complete Guide

Business Case in Project Management: A Complete Guide

Business Case is one of the primary documents that allow summarizing the need for launching a project and analysing possible alternatives. Throughout the lifecycle of the project this document is used to show the project justification and reasonability. In the Initiation Phase, Business Case is used as a way for making decisions on initiating the project, setting primary goals and defining the cost-benefit ratio.

pm triangle

Project Management Plan and Three Angles of PM Triangle

Project Management Plan is not a one-time and permanent document; it’s developed at planning stage and continuously updated throughout the project as new changes occur. Project Management Plan includes definitions of an owner’s objectives, technical requirements, calendars and schedules, resources, budgets, and management actions. PM Plan also gives a foundation to calculate and prove efficiency. In the context of project documentation, PM Plan serves as the basis and outlines the commissioning plan for the complete execution.