Strategic Business Planning – Definition, Output, Role

Strategic Business Planning: Definition, Output, Role

It’s impossible to imagine a successfully managed small-sized organization without a well-thought-out business strategy template. Business management best practices requires you to carry out the strategic business planning process to set the strategic goals of your company and state the key direction of business activities. In this article we’ll focus on strategic business planning, review the definition, output and role of this process.

Blog PM - Blogging thru Project Management

Blogging through Project Management, or How to Be an Efficient Blogger

Blogging appears to be efficient if project management (PM) is used as the basis for blog management. I call it Blog PM. In this article I write how to become an efficient blogger through following the ideas of PM. You will read about the key components of the project planning process. The article will help you understand how to plan for an efficient blog

project lifecycle template

Project Life-Cycle Template – Key Phases of the Generic Model

The ability of managing projects successfully greatly depends upon the right understanding of the phases and activities that create the project life-cycle. Because any kind of project is “a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product or service” (PMI 2000), it is planned, managed and delivered under a definite life-cycle, or the process of by which the process is implemented. The life-cycle characterizes the constraint of time and defines how soon the project product/service will be produced and delivered. Let’s learn more about the point in this project life-cycle template. We’re going to talk about the definition of project life-cycle and provide an overview of the key phases and activities a conventional project steps through. Please feel free to leave your comments and other feedback.

project prioritization process

Project Prioritization Process: Definition and Ranking Criteria

The need for project prioritization appears when an organization has two or more either independent or dependent (portfolio) projects that are performed in parallel. How to identify the most preferable projects for implementation at the given point of time? Finally, how to be sure that the right projects are being performed? In this article we are going to answer all these critical questions.

balanced team leadership

Balancing as the Key to Team Leadership Success

A project manager who is the true leader of the project team and provides balanced leadership to the rest of the people involved in the project seems to have an endless supply of energy that makes all the stakeholders feel enthusiastic about the work to be done. That person enables the followers to successfully deal with project risks and address any issues that might seem to be unsolvable if there’s no leadership balance reached. The manager empowers and supports the team by providing advice and guidance. But where does the manager get the energy from? How does this individual lead the team? Finally, what does balanced team leadership mean to you and how do you know whether you are a good leader and can reach success? Let’s focus on answering all these questions in this article.