Category: IT & Software

project technology management

Project Technology Management – How Technology Drives Project Changes

While business and economic conditions change all the time, a revolution (or a drastic change in managing projects using advanced technologies and IT software solutions) is a discontinuous and abrupt series of IT innovations that make a foundation for effective project technology management. Due to the acceleration of IT software development and further implementation of project technologies in real project environments, today you can hardly find a project that doesn’t use IT software solutions for driving changes.

IT Project Outsourcing

IT Outsourcing Service for Project Management

IT project outsourcing is one of the central questions that are discussed by people involved in outsourced IT project management. The challenge is that it’s hard to reach cost-effective management of outsourced IT projects because such projects are highly individualized and often have special needs. IT and software project outsourcing requires a special approach to budgeting and planning, which is different from in-house IT project setup and management. In this article we’ll talk about the challenge for outsourced IT project management and describe a few services that help cost-effectively manage IT outsourcing activities.

Managing IT Procurements Process

What is IT Procurement Process and How to Manage It?

IT procurement and purchasing activities are essential to any company that uses information systems, computers and equipment to operate projects, processes and procedures. Today it’s hard to find an organization that does not implement various IT systems and solutions in planning and carrying out processes. The management of IT procurement process needs to be carefully learned and analysed in order to create a foundation for providing firms with high-quality and effective systems and software.

agile software dev

Agile PM Methodologies for Software Development

Agile project management (PM) methodologies have appeared to fit the new requirements of IT companies and to deliver new tools in order to efficiently undertake application development processes. This short review of agile PM methodologies gives a description of three agile software development approaches, including Scrum, Extreme Programming and Agile Modelling.