Your Guide to Project Management Best Practices

Developing a Strategy for Managing Stakeholders: Stakeholder List and Stakeholder Analysis Matrix

strategy for managing stakeholdersIn the previous article we described two major steps for engaging key stakeholders in project implementation. Now we are going to talk on how to establish productive relationships with key stakeholders. We will focus on the main documents required for developing a strategy for managing stakeholders.

This article is a part of the Stakeholder Management Section of the Project Implementation Guide. It describes a stakeholder management strategy which is a proactive plan for keeping “positive” stakeholders satisfied while mitigating any risks and obstacles produced by “negative” stakeholders.

Stakeholder Register

First of all let’s clarify who positive stakeholders and negative stakeholders are.

The project manager’s task is to divide all the stakeholders into these two groups. This person needs to analyze expectations, benefits and interests of each involved party and then make a decision. When all the stakeholders have been identified, the appropriate input information should be added to a stakeholder register (also know as a stakeholder list) – a formal document that covers all the stakeholders and their details including name, position, title, contact information and other characteristics. The stakeholder register also documents expectations, interests and influence to the project. All the records in the stakeholder list should be shared between the interested parties for reviewing and approval. Once this document is designed and approved, it won’t be changed during the entire project implementation process.

The stakeholder list is the primary document used in developing a strategy for managing stakeholders. The document also serves as an efficient tool for making decisions on engaging stakeholders in project implementation. It specifies the link between the stakeholders’ commitment/input and ways for communicating. The document contains the following information:

Strategy for Managing Stakeholders

A stakeholder management strategy is a detailed plan of actions that defines an approach for improving the relationships with the key stakeholders through increasing the support of positive stakeholders and minimizing any impacts of negative stakeholders throughout the entire project implementation process.

The project manager takes responsibility for developing such a strategy. This person needs to consider the level of involvement per stakeholder and add appropriate records to the stakeholder list. There are four levels of stakeholder involvement including:

Considering the four levels of involvement the project manager can develop a stakeholder analysis matrix. Such a matrix is a combination of the levels and expectations of influential stakeholders to show what position and role within the project each interested party takes.

Both the stakeholder register and stakeholder analysis matrix are used as the input data for developing a strategy for managing stakeholders. Such a strategy becomes successful when it regards both positive and negative stakeholders as partners and paves the way for establishing collaborative rapport based on a shared understanding of the project goals, open communications, and straightforward information sharing.

During the project implementation process the stakeholder management strategy is not changed. The project manager needs to use a selected approach in managing stakeholders. This approach is defined by the stakeholder register and stakeholder analysis matrix. The art of managing project stakeholders consists in identifying the best way for combining stakeholder interests and resources into a single framework that lets implement the project on time and within budget.

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