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Unlocking the Full Potential of Workforce Intelligence Solutions

AI-driven Workforce Intelligence: Definition, Solutions, Benefits, Examples

The term “workforce intelligence” has been around since the late 90s but recently has gained traction thanks to the latest technological advances like artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics. Generally speaking, workforce intelligence defines an organization’s ability to collect, analyze and utilize data relating to its people and processes for competitive advantage, improved decision-making, and greater employee engagement.

By unlocking the full power and possibilities of AI-powered intelligent workforce management, companies gain unprecedented insights into their personnel and maximize employee productivity.

This article will explore what workforce intelligence is, the benefits it can provide to organizations, and how AI transforms the way we think about intelligent workforce management.

What Is Workforce Intelligence?

To unlock the full potential of workforce intelligence solutions, it is essential first to understand what they are.

The phrase “workforce intelligence” (WI) is most commonly used to describe a company’s ability to collect, analyze and act on data about its workforce—and the talent and recruiting space is rapidly embracing the possibilities of AI-powered intelligent workforce management solutions.

WI involves using big data and advanced analytics to gain valuable insights from HR-related data sources such as employee surveys, time-tracking systems, recruitment software, and other IT systems relating to employee engagement, retention and compensation, project management, and productivity across an organization’s teams and departments.

Simply said, workforce intelligence helps companies ensure that the right talent is in the right roles at the right time.

WI is also used for predictive analytics, such as predicting employee churn rates or identifying areas for improvement within the organization. Additionally, WI can be used to assess the impact of management changes on employee engagement and morale.

Examples of WI Solutions

Here are a few examples of intelligent workforce management solutions.

1. Purpose-built HR software. The first and most common form of an intelligent workforce management solution is built specifically to address an organization’s people needs and requirements.

Workforce software can solve a number of workforce management tasks relating from an HR department’s need for software to manage employee data, attendance, and finance to enterprise-grade applications with a comprehensive list of HR features.


2. HR analytics. Analytics software applies to HR data to generate insights and drive business decisions. However, it’s critical to remember that not all analytics software is equal. For example, some solutions are better suited to performing advanced analytics on large data sets, while others are better suited to implementing advanced analytics on small data sets.


3. WI & talent marketplace. Talent marketplace solutions help match job seekers with roles best fitting their expertise and skills. They are popular because they solve an organization’s age-old problem of finding qualified talent. In addition, a talent marketplace solution can be used with a recruitment software application to find better candidates faster.


4. Recruiting solutions. Talent acquisition software automates and streamlines the entire process of finding and hiring the best talent. In addition, a recruiting CRM solution can provide a company with a solid workforce intelligence data foundation and help keep costs down by facilitating more targeted recruiting efforts.


Benefits of Workforce Intelligence Solutions 

The benefits of workforce intelligence for business are broader than just new hires. According to The Conference Board, American companies saw a 27% increase in employee productivity in 2021 after introducing a workforce intelligence solution. Besides, the COVID-19 study showed that the return on investment (ROI) of workforce intelligence software reached between $1.6 billion and $2 billion in 2021 (Workforce Institute, January 2022).

Workforce intelligence solutions like Gloat and Pega are a great way to gain a 360-degree view of strategic workforce planning and critical talent management decisions. For example, Gloat’s AI talent marketplace assists organizations in understanding, predicting, and acting on the patterns of employee behaviors to attract the most skilled candidates and harness their full potential.

Furthermore, intelligent workforce management solutions help organizations in the following ways:

Maximizing employee engagement with predictive analytics

Artificial intelligence is the most advanced aspect of today’s workforce intelligence software. Predictive analytics, in particular, can help organizations improve employee engagement by analyzing employee data, identifying warning signs and trends in employee behavior, and developing workforce forecast indicators such as labor costs, churn rates, and individual performance in the workplace.

Increasing employee productivity and reducing overwork with machine learning

With machine learning-based workforce intelligence software solutions, HR departments can reduce employee turnover and retain more of the best talent.

In addition, these solutions enable companies to identify and prioritize the most critical workforce management activities. They can also help organizations establish more efficient scheduling, recruiting, and onboarding workflows.

Improving employee morale with HR information and feedback systems

HR information systems provide a way to store, manage and analyze employee data in a standardized format that is easy to search and understand. With the help of workforce intelligence software, organizations can easily track and analyze employee information such as social activity, performance changes, and skill gaps.

Besides, regular feedback loops that provide employees with critical performance insights also help improve employee morale and satisfaction.

Reducing liability costs, improving business ethics

A workplace with engaged, happy employees tends to be more productive and efficient. Workforce intelligence solutions have an ethical ROI that often goes way beyond the cost of their initial implementation. They provide organizations with a way to quantify their benefits and reward employees meaningfully.

For example, companies can offer monetary rewards, including bonuses and salary increases, to employees identified as future stars and high performers. The system also allows employers to monitor the recruiting and hiring process with greater statistical accuracy. This makes it possible for employers to mitigate liability costs by identifying problem candidates sooner rather than later.

Empowering the corporate career path with gamification

Gamification is commonly used to motivate and showcase staff, provide feedback, and score performance while enabling better hiring decisions. In addition, a gamification model can help a business to measure how people in different roles and departments interact with each other, improve the performance of employees, and make it easier to add analytics and big data into HR processes.

Challenges of Implementing Workforce Intelligence Solutions

As digital transformation continues to revolutionize how companies manage their workforce, unlocking the full potential of workforce intelligence solutions is critical to improving organizational performance. While the benefits of such solutions are numerous, implementing them comes with several challenges.

Firstly, they require considerable time and effort to set up. Companies must also invest in technologies such as data analysis tools and artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure the solutions leverage all available data sources.

Additionally, there may be a need for more internal expertise and resources to configure and maintain these solutions properly. As such, organizations must consider whether they have adequate personnel with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Furthermore, it can be difficult for companies to gain employee buy-in for using new technology to enhance workforce intelligence initiatives. Employees may be resistant due to privacy concerns or worries about how their data will be used.

Organizations must ensure transparency regarding how data will be collected and stored and provide clear explanations about how this information will be used to make decisions that benefit employees and the company as a whole. To overcome these issues, companies should develop effective communication strategies explaining why workforce intelligence solutions help employees and employers alike.

In summary, while implementing workforce intelligence solutions provides many business opportunities, it has challenges. Companies must invest in appropriate technologies, build internal capabilities and ensure employee buy-in to unlock their full potential and maximize investment returns.

How to Leverage AI and ML for Workforce Intelligence

Implementing workforce intelligence solutions presents numerous challenges that must be overcome before the full potential of these solutions can be realized.

Leveraging AI and machine learning (ML) to address these challenges is an effective way to unlock the full potential of these solutions.

For example, AI and ML technologies have the potential to provide data-driven insights for decision-making, automate labor-intensive processes, and improve accuracy in tasks such as hiring.

In addition, AI and ML can provide insights into certain aspects of employee engagement and productivity that may not have been previously accessible, such as individual preferences and behavior patterns.

By utilizing AI and ML capabilities, organizations can quickly identify key performance indicators or patterns among their employees, helping them make more informed decisions on optimizing their workforce.

Moreover, AI and ML models can also predict employee attrition rates or job satisfaction levels based on past data points. This enables better planning in terms of recruitment and staff retention strategies.

Utilizing AI and ML technologies in the context of workforce intelligence solutions allows organizations to manage their human resources more while unlocking new opportunities for improvement.

In addition, organizations can maximize the value they obtain from their workforce intelligence solutions with a deeper understanding of employee performance metrics, predictive analytics capabilities, and automated processes.

Best Practices for Intelligent Workforce Management

As mentioned earlier, WI software solutions can provide organizations with a wealth of data and insights about their employees, enabling them to make better decisions and improve outcomes.

The first step is to ensure that the data collected by the workforce intelligence solution is accurate. This requires validating the data source and ensuring it accurately reflects reality. Additionally, organizations should ensure that their data collection methods comply with relevant regulations and do not violate any privacy laws.

The second step is to create a comprehensive strategy for using the data gathered by the workforce intelligence solution. This includes setting up processes for collecting, analyzing, and acting on the data.

Organizations should also set up mechanisms to ensure that they are using all available insights from their workforce intelligence solution and tracking progress against goals over time. With an effective strategy, organizations can unlock the full potential of their workforce intelligence solutions and realize measurable performance improvements.

Selecting the Right Workforce Intelligence Solution

Irony paints a vivid picture of an individual who, despite being aware of the immense potential offered by workforce intelligence solutions, cannot unlock its full potential. Despite spending countless hours researching various options and seeking advice from colleagues and industry experts, the individual must decide when selecting a suitable solution.

This scenario is all too common, with many organizations finding themselves in a similar position. To avoid such outcomes, it is essential to consider several key factors when selecting a workforce intelligence solution.

These include the size of the organization and its needs; the type of data available; security requirements; budget constraints; scalability; customer support services; and integration with other applications. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the solution can be configured for specific business requirements and has been tested in an appropriate environment before implementation.


In conclusion, workforce intelligence solutions can revolutionize how organizations manage human resources. Employers can gain valuable insights into employee performance, engagement, and retention through AI and machine learning. This data can be used to inform decisions that improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

To maximize the value of workforce intelligence solutions, organizations should consider best practices when selecting a solution and leveraging its capabilities. By taking a proactive approach to workforce intelligence, organizations can unlock new levels of employee performance and drive more successful outcomes for their businesses.

The power of workforce intelligence lies in transforming data into actionable insights. These insights enable employers better to understand employee behavior, attitudes, and motivations. With this level of detail, organizations can make better-informed decisions about allocating resources to optimize results.

Furthermore, with AI-driven predictive analysis capabilities, employers can anticipate future trends in the labor market and plan accordingly.

Finally, with the right combination of technology and strategy, organizations can unlock the full potential of workforce intelligence solutions.

By investing in a platform that allows them to effectively capture and analyze employee data while also providing them with creative ways to apply those insights strategically, organizations can create an environment conducive to innovation and growth. As such, it is essential for employers today to recognize the importance of workforce intelligence solutions in driving success within their organizations.

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