Keep Program Objective Clear and Comprehensive
In simple terms, program management is a process of managing a program that comprises two or more related projects running in parallel (more ideas). As a rule, projects are combined into a program when they work toward the same or interdependent objectives and when there is no conflict in between. Thus, such a program should have an overarching objective that covers all the goals of the related projects.
However, in fact businesses often deal with a disparate list of projects which conflict with each other and have different goals. When you encounter this situation in your business environment, you should carefully consider each of your business projects, find those having the same or interacting objectives, and combine them into a program. What you shouldn’t do is trying to integrate projects that are in conflict at the very beginning. Designing and managing your program successfully requires you to set a clear and comprehensive objective that overarches the projects’ goals.
Program Manager as a Strategist
Certainly there should be assigned a person who would carry out the program manager role. This person shouldn’t be involved in project management but only in program management. The idea here is that when a program manager works independently on the projects and focuses on the strategic processes only, the success in managing the program is guaranteed. In case that individual gets involved in the tactics of the related projects, strategic decision making can be broken.
Provide Successful Program-Level Support
One of the greatest benefits of managing successful programs is that a program manager provides support to the related projects and explores opportunities which can be exploited across the course of work. This individual looks for roadblocks in common and never considers each separate issue in detail. Investigating distinctions among the projects will help to get focused on the “right” places.
Set Right Priority
Designing and managing programs successfully involves prioritization that is essential in allocating resources, resolving conflicts, improving performance, etc. Prioritization makes it possible to rank all tasks and activities in projects by importance or urgency. By setting priorities across the projects your program’s objective becomes much obvious and understandable. And a clear path to implementing the objective will be declared.
Manage Interdependencies
As it follows from the Pareto principle, right linking of interdependent projects determines the 80/20 of success in managing the program. The challenge is to figure out what tasks are related to one or another project, how best to allocate resources, when it is best to support one project while reducing the performance of another one.