Your Guide to Project Management Best Practices

How to Scan Documents: A Step-by-Step Checklist for Office Administrators

How to Scan Documents Like a Pro: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Scanning documents is a competency for office administrators to keep records organized and ensure that daily operations run smoothly. Maybe 10 years ago, document scanning was a hassle—issues like checking printer drivers and dealing with outdated hardware.

I recall times when our office administrator, Katherine, a young 19-year-old girl, would spend hours wrestling with technology just to scan a few papers. That was terrible 🙂 But it is not today because the scanning process is pretty straightforward: you can digitize documents with your cell phone in a few taps or your laptop and traditional scanner. Still, occasional challenges can cause frustration.

In fact, Katherine asked me to publish this practical guide on how to scan documents quickly and without a hassle. Hopefully, our checklist will help office administrators fit seamlessly into their daily workflows.

Begin with the Basics of Document Scanning

If you’re a young person stepping into an office administrator role for the first time—or perhaps you’re simply new to digitizing papers—this section is designed with you in mind. Scroll down to the next section of this guide if you know what document scanning is.

Document scanning simply turns physical paper documents like invoices, contracts, receipts, or meeting minutes into digital format. Using tools like flatbed scanners, sheet-fed devices, or even smartphone apps, you capture the physical content to create a digital version and then save it as an image (.png, .jpg.) or text-based file (.rtf, .pdf).

Why scan documents? Scanning creates physical papers into digital assets that are easier to store, search, organize, and retrieve whenever needed. It also supports a big move toward a paperless or green office—another ecological concept that promotes efficiency in creating and managing digital records in corporate environments without reliance on paper.

Think of these reasons why scanning makes sense for office management:

In short, effective document scanning creates a more organized, secure, and productive office environment—thus making an office administrator’s day a bit better.

As my colleague Katherine said, “Scanning just makes my work easier, faster.”

Document Scanning Checklist

So, let’s take a look at what steps you need to take in your office to scan a paper. Follow this checklist:

1. Prepare Documents for Scanning

Next, turn on your scanning device and do these:

2. Adjust Scanner Settings

Katherine suggests the following to maintain a well-organized, secure digital archive of scanned papers:

3. Organize Scanned Documents

A decade ago, I could hardly imagine office administrators scanning papers with a mobile device. Today, with an iPhone and Android, whatever you prefer, you capture an image or document and send it to print in 10 seconds!

Here’s what Katherine, a colleague of mine, suggests:

Scanning Papers with iOS/Android

As you see, scanning documents is pretty straightforward. If you use mobile scanner app, this process is even easier.

Keep in mind the following best practices:

Office Scanning Best Practices

And one more thing from Katherine: “Before you start scanning, take a few extra minutes to organize your workplace—just like brewing a perfect cup of coffee! A little extra time upfront means a smoother, more energized day of work (and fewer email calls over lost scans). 🙂 Happy scanning!

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